Dr. J. Martin Wehlou, MD, CISSP, CSDP

Healthcare Applications Architect

Email: martin@wehlou.com J. Martin Wehlou
Location: Uppsala, Sweden

Phone: +46-18-46.88.73
Mobile: +46-70-558.12.17

I'm a medical software consultant doing architecture and development of secure healthcare applications.


  • 1951: born in Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 1969-71: University of Stockholm. Mathematics and anorganic chemistry. ALGOL programming.
  • 1971-78: Medical school, University of Ghent, Belgium. Graduated with honors degree.
  • 1978-83: Surgical residency under Prof. Derom, University of Ghent.
  • 1979-82: (overlapping) Student electronic engineering, University of Ghent. Did not quite achieve a bachelors degree.
  • 1983-94: Part time GP practice, software development and hardware sales (see below), my own company.
  • 1995 and onwards: nothing but software development (see below).
  • 2001: moved back to Sweden. Still nothing but software development.
  • 2002 January: authorized to practice medicine in Sweden.
  • 2004 December: Certified Information Systems Security Professional
  • 2005 May (lapsed in May 2014): Certified Software Development Professional


  • Fluent in Swedish, Dutch, and English.

Medical and surgical experience

  • During medical school I had the occasion to work extensively in clinical laboratories.
  • My surgical residency included general, abdominal, thoracic, cardiovascular and orthopedic surgery. I was also extensively trained in intensive care and trauma surgery.
  • 12 years of general practice in Belgium.
  • Licensed as general physician in Sweden (EU).

Relevant software experience

  • C: fairly extensive experience.
  • 80x86 assembler: fairly extensive experience.
  • C++: extensive experience. (see x2c source code for a sample).
  • C#: extensive experience.
  • T-SQL (MS SQL Server): extensive experience.
  • Pascal/Delphi: extensive experience.
  • Cocoa, XCode on iOS and Mac OSX: extensive experience.


  • Reference counted pointer templates, Windows Developer's Journal (12) 6, June 2001, p 32-40.
  • Multi-disciplinary electronic medical records: a real-world development experience, Medical Informatics Conference (MIC), Brussels 1996.
  • A structured approach to opening Clarion data files, Clarion Tech Journal (4) 4, July/Aug 1992, p 17-21.
  • Merge printing and user editable forms, Clarion Tech Journal (4) 1, Jan/Feb 1992, p 36-38.
  • Printer filter language extension module, Clarion Tech Journal (3) 6, Nov/Dec 1991, p 44-48.
  • Peritoneal lavage after abdominal trauma: indications, technique, results. Pattyn P, Vossaert R, Noterdaeme PM, Wehlou JM, Eeckhout C, Berzsenyi G, De Roose J, Derom F, Int Surg 1989 Jan-Mar; 74(1):17-9.
  • Surgical treatment of oesophageal carcinoma. Experience between 1965 and 1980. Anne T, Berwouts L, Wehlou M, Berzsenyi G, Derom F. Acta Chir Belg 1982 Jul-Aug; 82(4):359-66.

Publications in daily press and in professional magazines

  • Dagens Medicin 20/2009 (May 13th) Debatt: Skärp kraven vid köp av IT-system.
  • Läkartidningen 18/2011 (May 3rd) Kvalitetsregister är inte EBM (debatt, endast på webben).
  • Allmänmedicin 3/2011, p.22: IT: Det förhatliga konferensbordet.
  • Allmänmedicin 4/2011, p.43: Ordbyte (debatt): Kvacksalvare är vi allihopa - ?, Saskia Bengtsson, Martin Wehlou, Catarina Canivet.
  • SvD (Svenska Dagbladet) September 4th 2011: Känsliga uppgifter skyddas inte, A. Bard, F. Federley, L. Morfeld, H. Sjöholm, M. Wehlou.
  • Allmänmedicin 1/2012: Vårdprogram, riktlinjer och våra journaler.
  • Allmänmedicin 4/2013, p.39-40: Journalerna. Så mycket som är fel.

Internet activities for healthcare IT

Professional Memberships

  • SLF Sveriges läkarförbund

Recent experiences

Period April 2010 – current
Employer MITM - Man In The Middle AB
Position Proprietor
Project Working on a new medical record iotaMed
Technology iOS, Objective-C, Cocoa. More decsription is to be found on my page devoted to iotaMed and on the forum for health informatics.

Period 1 Jan 2008 – current
Employer MITM - Man In The Middle AB
Position Proprietor
Project Architecting and developing a medical system for use in health centres for a major Swedish vendor.
Technology n-tier C# with an SQL Server backend. Emphasis on scalability, security, and code structure as a basis for future projects at the same company.
Other Advisory function for methodologies and coding guidelines.

Period 1 Apr 2005 – 31 Dec 2007
Employer Secure System Design
Position Proprietor
Project Developed a SOAP client for oil commodities traders in C# and worked as a GP in a number of Swedish health centres to get to know the local health system.
Systems Extensive working experience with Profdoc J3 and Cosmic, a briefer exposure to VANIA.
Other During this period I also did an in-depth evaluation of Cosmic from both a technical and a medical perspective for a Swedish provincial authority, due to perceived problems with the rollout of the product.

Period 1 Nov 2001 – 31 Mar 2005
Employer Profdoc Link AB, Sweden
Position Software architect and developer, lead
Project Medical message transmission and conversions (PMI v2 Client and server)
Operating systems & tools W2K & XP, PGPsdk, OpenSSL, TurboPower Sleuth QA, SQL Server 2000, Indy, VS.NET, Vault, TestTrack, StreamSec-II, DXSock, Finalbuilder
Languages Delphi 6, C#, C++, T-SQL
Tasks Architecture, design and development

Period 1 July 2001 – 30 Sep 2001
Employer Cactus Computing Bvba, Belgium
Position Software developer, owner
Project x2c - xml-to-code template based scripting language and interpreter
Operating systems W2K
Languages C++ (VC++ 6.0 with STL, ATL)
Tasks Architecture, design and development

Period 15 June 1999 – 30 June 2001
Employer C3 NV & Quadrat NV
Position Software developer, contractor
  • COM based scripted calculation engine: ActiveX scripting
  • XML exporter and other database utilities for an Intensive Care patient management system, mainly based on ATL, STL and to a lesser degree on MFC.
  • Notification server: multithreaded sockets based (MFC)
  • Parsing of database scripts to XML, XML to c++ code via scripting 
Operating systems NT, W2K
Languages C++ (VC++ 6.0 with MFC, ATL)
  • Exporting Oracle based data in XML (using MSXML), and reimporting, editing
  • Executing recursive database calculations with Python and windows scripting host from C++
  • Developing COM based system architecture and base objects for intensive care systems.

Period 15 Nov 1998 - 15 June 1999
Employer Real Software NV
Position Software Developer, Project Manager
Project Encryption and transmission of medical assessment data
Operating systems NT, Win9x
Languages C++ (VC++ 6.0 with MFC)
Tools Installshield Pro
  • Parsing textfiles for errorchecking and separation of id-data from assessment data
  • Encrypting and signing files using the PGP SDK, including key database
  • Sending and receiving over SMTP and POP3 using 3rd party COM components
  • Dialling and phonebook connectivity using the Win RAS API
  • Providing automation (COM) interfaces on the modules

Period 15 May 1998 - 15 Nov 1998
Employer Real Software NV
Position Software developer
Project ERP implementation
Operating systems NT, Win95
Languages Transact-SQL, MS Access VBA
  • triggers and procedures in T-SQL for synchronizing separate databases and optimizing access (extensive)
  • customization of pre-existing ERP software in MS Access VBA (medium)
  • development of user interfaces, reports, utilities in MS Access VBA (medium)
  • customization of pre-existing Lotus Notes applications (minor)

Period 15 May 1997 - 15 May 1998
Employer Ministry of Health, Belgium, Dept of Epidemiology
Position Manager of Information Systems
Project setting up of a number of information systems infrastructure components, such as:
  • managing switchover from Win 3.x and DOS systems to NT4, department-wide
  • selecting and installing NT servers
  • maintaining and installing Netware servers
  • installing and maintaining a Unix based firewall system
  • maintaining TCP/IP networks and routers (Cisco IOS)
  • installing and maintaining Web servers (IIS3 and 4), including simple web sites
  • managing software development using Visual Studio (VB, C++)

Period 1 Jan 1997 – 15 May 1997
Employer Cactus Computing bvba (owner)
Position Stock control and order management for institutional care facitilities
Operating systems Win95, NT
Languages Clarion for Windows

Period 1 Sep 1995 – 31 Dec 1996
Employer Administratief Centrum Caritas, Leuven
Position External consultant
Project Hospital information system and medical records (AZIS-2000)
Operating systems Win 3.1, 95
Languages PLSQL (minor)
  • Requirements and analysis for medical records, pharmacy distribution, nursing
  • Presales technical meetings leader

Period 1 Jan 1995 – 31 Dec 1995
Employer MediBridge NV
Position External consultant
Project Setting up and technically managing an electronic document distribution system for medical use.
Operating systems Win 3.1, Solaris, SunOS, Netware
Languages Clarion, C, Pascal
  • Installation and maintenance of SunOS and Solaris systems
  • Installation and maintenance of telecommunication software and hardware subsystems
  • Supervision of software development in C and Pascal

Period 1 Apr 1995 – 30 Sep 1996
Employer University of Ghent
Position External consultant
Project Episode of Care Summary message design
  • Designing an object based message structure allowing medical “episode of care” information to be exchanged between medical care providers, conformant to existing european standards and adapted to the Belgian situation.
  • Participating as observer in EEC CEN/TC251 workgroups on medical messaging.
  • Advising on information security technology in several Belgian government sponsored projects.

Software written long ago

Note: later software products to be found under "Recent experiences".

  • 1980: A non-invasive cardiac output calculator, using bidirectional doppler measurements of aortic arch diameter and blood flow. The flow curves were divided into one wave complex per beat and then allocated into up to 12 wave classes based on template matching. These were then separately integrated for flow and added. Fortran on HP 2100 under RTE-II.
  • 1981: Simple medical procedure database for use on intensive care. Used my own string indexing routines accessing disks by track, sector and byte for performance. HP2100 under RTE-II, Fortran.
  • 1981: Clinical study management package for printing questionnaires, entering results and doing interactive correlation analysis using t-test and chi-square on the resulting database. HP2100 under RTE-II and Fortran.
  • 1983: A custom pre-compiler with screen tools for basic and termcap-like abilities for MPM-II terminals (everyone wrote one of these back then…)
  • 1984: A multitasking data collection package, including graphics output and thermodynamic calculations. Running under CPM-80.
  • 1985: Process control, central heating system in a mall in Belgium, using a Merlin Systems (UK) process computer with embedded special purpose basic. Also designed and built the amplifier circuits for the interfacing. A second similar installation in a technical school in Belgium.
  • 1985: Utilities for pre=calculating dimensioning of central heating systems, including heat pumps.
  • 1986: A package for calculations, including simulation, of airconditioning systems for office suites and computer rooms.
  • 1988: Insurance broker package.
  • 1990: Accounting package. Including a recursive-descent expression parser for template driven balance generation.
  • 1990: a medical telecommunication system consisting of a server side application running on three workstations and a client side application. Both of these written in a mix of Clarion and assembler. The package assembly/disassembly routines, the handshaking protocol, file exchange protocol and the CRC routines I wrote in assembler (I didn’t invent the CRC routines, of course). The communication driver was a standard fossil-5 driver. This system ran for four years serving a small number of GP’s and labs in the western part of Belgium between 1991 and 1995 and was definitely one of the first such applications in Europe.
  • I was also listowner (“DIABETES”) on Bitnet from 1989 or so, which can count as very early Internet experience. (Wasn't this before the Internet was the Internet? I have these flashbacks about the Arpa net and stuff.)
  • Assistant sysop on Compuserve for a limited time around 1990, diabetes forum.

Hardware experience

  • Care and feeding, including repairs, of HP 2100 and to lesser extent the HP1000 series of mini’s (late 1970’s).
  • Fair experience of using and understanding logical analyzers for service and driver development.
  • Designed and built interfaces for A/D systems to connect both pressure heads and Pt100 and NTC probes.
  • Repair and modifications of any number of microcomputers during the 1980’s.
  • Installation and maintenance of networks ranging from mmmOST, Network-OS (CBIS), InfoShare/M to Netware 2.0 to 4.x. Based on RS-422, ArcNet and Ethernet.
  • 1992-94: custom assembled a number of stand-alone and network computer systems (“clones”).
  • 1995-98: misc companies, took care of Novell systems on PC hardware, Sun Sparc 5 and Netserver, Siemens Unix ("Sinix") system, HP Unix workstation, and many types of Intelbased servers and workstations. Took care of Bay networks routers, bridges and switches for a large mixed LAN system.